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TMS Documents

Alghoritms Description Articles

Various articles and pubblications explaining main internal mechanisms of the optimization alghoritm

RailDeft Paper
Introduces some railway modeling and optimization techniques with the alternative graph.
TMS White Paper
Contains the complete description of TMS system.
Optimization Criteria doc
An introduction to the optimization criteria.
Performance Indicator doc
An introduction to the performance indicators used in testing and performance calculations.
Rerouting doc
A general description of the rerouting part of the optimization process.

Case Studies and Results presentation

Various documents containing TMS presentations

Den Bosch
A general presentation of TMS along with some result of the Den Bosch case study.
Describes TMS results for the Hertodenbosch case study, an high-complexity area involving alternative routes.
Describes TMS result for ETMET (Each Ten Minutes a Train) project.
Official document released by Prorail for the RailCopenhagen event, it describes the FRISO-TMS system and presents various case studies.
Official document released by Prorail for the WinterSim project. It describes possible applications for the FRISO-TMS system in the Prorail gaming environment.